Friday, July 31, 2020

Warren Buffet's Advice for Young People Who Want to Be Rich

ten advice from Warren Buffett 
for young people who want to be rich arguably the richest investor to ever leave Warren Buffett became a millionaire in 1960 at the age of thirty and ever since then Buffett has been one of the richest people in the world Warren Buffett over the years has given various advice to young people about how they can be rich and successful in this video we'll share with you ten of the most inspiring advice from Warren Buffett advice number five is very important so you need to watch this video till the end if you're new here consider subscribing advice number one. 

I will tell you how to become rich close the doors but fearful when others are greedy the greedy when others are fearful as a young person if there is any single advice you should take very serious from anyone the advice is be different go against the tide figure out what everyone is doing and do just opposite but why is this important well it's important to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing because most people in the world aren't thinking most people in the world finally hard to use their brains so most of times what they do are determined by social proof which in turn makes that decision wrong take for instance most people will only invest in stocks when stock prices are crazily going high unfortunately that's when smart individuals are selling if you are normal you can't succeed don't be normal figure out what everyone is doing and do just the opposite advice number two no matter how great the talent or efforts some things just take time you can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant what do you think is the number one reason why most people in the world a poor and unsuccessful well it takes time crazy dedication and unusual persistence to create wealth and success you must patiently endure to tough times or you will be able to go through the rough road that leads to success great things take time you can't have a baby next month by impregnating nine women today advice number three it's better to hang out with people better than you pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you drift in that direction one thing young people do more than anybody of other age demographic is that young people associate a whole lot unfortunately most people are not conscious of who they hang out with we have an important exercise for you pause this video and make a list of five people you spend most of your time with close your eyes and imagine where these people unlikely to be in the next five years sorry that's where you're going to it's pretty simple if your associates and not ambitious or positive about life you can't be if your friends don't know more than you you are never going to grow and become a better person so what should you do cut yourself off from negative and unmotivated people choose your friends carefully.

 because you can't be better than who you associate with advice number four you won't keep control of your time unless you can say no you can't let other people set your agenda in life look around you what do you see distractions distractions distractions everywhere the social media TV parties and movies all these are interesting stuff that bring little or no value to who we are the more know we can say to distractions the more time we'll have to be productive at things that we matter advice number five you don't have to be smarter than the rest you have to be more disciplined than the rest forget everything you've been told about talents and IQ talents are as common in the world as table salt hundreds of people with 200 IQ score a broke discipline practice dedication and persistence are what you need to be successful number six risk comes from not knowing what you are doing take for instance more than 90 percent of people who are planning to start your own businesses will never take time to study or read even ten books about business not to talk of 100 yet we all believe that business and investing are risky why one day the real risk is in your ignorance the more you know about your field the less risky it becomes to reduce risk seek knowledge advice number seven the change of habits are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken have you ever seen a drug addict looking helpless and wish in some pars rescue him from his addiction the best thing you can do with your life is to avoid bad habit altogether experimenting with them is like playing with fire because when your bad habits grow you become their slaves advice number eight enjoy your work and work for whom you admire according to a Gallup poll study eighty-five percent of people all over the world hate their jobs since you're going to spend more than 50 percent of your entire adult life working and planning to work you better do all you can to do what you enjoy it may not be easy but if you'll be willing to pay the price and go through the necessary pains you can create for yourself the kind of job or business you enjoy advice number 9 you can't buy what is popular and do well this is very similar to our first point you see whenever anything becomes popular here the game is over be it a business idea on investment opportunity when you read about it in the news it's too late to call it an opportunity don't leave by the noise the real thing is in the cigarette so how do you get the heating opportunities no one is seen read the books no one is reading search for knowledge when others search for entertainment if you know what others don't know you see opportunities long before they see them advice number 10 never invest in a business you cannot understand don't be a generalist be a specialist choose one of few fields you are interested in study every day to know what nobody knows about such field and say no to any other thing you don't understand if you can take time to study any business don't ever invest in it because everyone is doing so for instance don't invest in cryptocurrency because everyone is doing so if you can't take time to study cryptocurrency don't invest in stock market if you can't take time to read ten good books about stocks don't invest in real estate if you can't take time to read at least five good books about real estate send your money to only where your knowledge lies in summary if you want to be rich do the opposite of what everyone else is doing say no to unproductive activities avoid bad habits select your friends carefully the disciplined and patient because it takes time to achieve anything worthwhile you enjoyed this video danger we'd like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then our team will be very happy if you can't like this video and share to your friends on social media if you're new here don't forget to subscribe so you will miss other dressed in videos like this look at your screen now to see two other videos we unpicked for you to enjoy next 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rich motivational speech

I would teach you how to think correctly the largest gap between successful and unsuccessful people 

in life is the thinking gap I'm not talking about being smart. I'm not talking about an IQ .I'm talking about how you think how I think successful people think differently than unsuccessful people wise thinking leads to right living stupid thinking lives leads to wrong with you,if you want to have a fulfilled life you have to fill your mind correctly right now you need to focus on today and what I realized so many leaders don't understand is that truly today matters and we overestimate what we could do tomorrow we over exaggerate what we did yesterday but we underestimate what we can do right now the only time you have the own time. I have is now so the question for all of us is what am i doing with now the great leaders they're present in the moment and because of that they maximize the moment so if you're attempted to take that far away glass will glass to get right back to the present moment because today you're preparing to make tomorrow a success well.

 we all want to be motivated and yet so many times we fail to find the secret of motivation and so let me give it to you quickly just do it motivation is not the cause of action it's the byproduct of action there's a lot of difference if I think motivation is the cause of my action that I'm going to wait to be motivated before I do something but if I realize it's the byproduct of my action that I'll start doing something and then guess what motivation will come up and sappy and all of a sudden you feel good and you're glad you're doing it you're saying wow this is truly wonderful so let it be the byproduct you like don't let it be the foundation for the actions that you take nothing comes to you until you commit yourself nothing comes to you if you're just going to try but you're not committed nothing comes to you if you're just thinking about it it's not until you take the action step it's not until you take the direction do the things start to flow through you but I'm saying don't cheat yourself out of the possibility of the potential that's on the other side of commitment stay with it long enough to find out if there's any fruit in it you can do goal-setting with a pencil but you have to do go-getting with your legs you got to take action and it's the action that separates us the greatest gap in this world is the gap between knowing and do knowing is goal-setting doing and that school achievement people that are knowledgeable about habits say that it takes 30 days for a habit to become a half now habits can be good and habits can be bad and so over a period of time you can either be developing habits that are going to help habits that are going to hurt you people that grow develop habits that help the great value of a good habit is you don't have to think about the best way it's a habit in other words once you began to over days and times and periods begin to practice something as good after a while it becomes automatic to you it becomes who you are in fact I always tale tell people practice a good habit long enough to make it yours and once it's yours now it's automatic every day you'll do what you should do often I have the expression that everything worthwhile is up to that's a fact you've never heard someone talk about accidental achievements you've never heard someone that got to the top of the mountain and somebody asked him how did you get there kind of look confused to say I have no idea the reason they know how they got there is because they had to walk all the way up the mountain nobody left two dead there were no shortcuts there's not an elevator there's not an escalator it's all effort to get you to the top of the mountain what I want you to understand is that inspiration does a lot better when it's coupled with the perspiration there are a whole lot of people they want to be inspired in great things but they don't want to do the hard work to achieve those great things it's not either/or it's both n so I really trust today that you will just kind of roll up your sleeves look at something you haven't tackled for a while dive in you'll be amazed that once after you do the work you get inspired don't wait to get inspired before you do the work .

Monday, July 27, 2020

Step by step to become a millionaire

how to become a millionaire step-by-step today 

I'm gonna teach you one of the most profound concepts that I've learned in my life that has helped me become a millionaire by the age of 27 and a multi-millionaire by the age of 30 now you may not realize this but one of the most toxic concepts and one of the most toxic ideas that .

you've been exposed to is this that somehow if you make money in a very short period of time that's some how you make money quickly it is a bad idea you heard of the term get-rich-quick somehow in a society that we believe if you make your money if you build wealth quickly it must be something shady you must be doing something illegal it must be a scam right it get rich quick oh that's a bad idea when people say oh is this get-rich-quick you better hope that it is because you don't have time to get rich slow now what do I mean by that well it's not just measured by how much money you have wealth is measured more in time than in just money let's say you make twenty five thousand dollars a year and let's say you work 40 years how much money you've made 1 million dollars now it's 1 million dollars a lot of money absolutely you've made a million dollars the question is are you rich no why not because it took you 40 years to accumulate a million dollars to make a million dollars now let's look at a different scenario let's say you still make a million dollars but instead of taking you 40 years you make that same million dollars within twelve months within one year now are you rich yes you now you are a millionaire what is the difference it's the same 1 million dollars the only difference is the time that it takes for you to make it and the cool thing is this when you make your money in a relatively short period of time guess what now you have more time to enjoy instead of waiting for 65 years old then you enjoy your money for the like 10 years wanna enjoy it for 30 40 50 60 years that's the only difference that's why wealth is not measured in how much money you make it's how fast you make that money now what if you make a million dollars a month less think bigger a million dollars a month the person who makes a million dollars a month it's 12 times richer than the person who makes a million dollars a year and he or she is richer than the person four hundred and eighty times richer than a person who makes twenty five thousand dollars for 40 years that's the difference and that's why rich people we value time more than we value money poor people they value money more than they value time and that's why if there's something we don't with my Bentley and oil change or I got to go do something or fix the car I'm not gonna do it because it's not worth my time my time it's much more valuable I have other activities that I could do that could bring in more money now you may be saying that while easy for you to say you're Dan Locke you've got money of course you could do that that is not true you might be thinking cuz you're rich that is not true I got rich when I started valuing my time most people never get rich because they never value their time so think about that do you want to make it quick or do you want to make it slow do you have time to even make it slow if you're serious about making it faster not the traditional path but how do you make it faster if you want to know how millionaires how we think how we operate how we do business how we do marketing click on a link below right there and find out how 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

10 Billionaires Habits You Can Learn with

I'm gonna share with you the 10 keys to a lot but I call your quick brain right these are the 10 things scientifically proven to help you be faster smarter and better to optimize your brain health and your fitness and now every single thing I'm going to say nobody's gonna debate right they're gonna say yes of course but common sense is not common practice so I'm gonna ask people who are watching this is to rate yourself 0 to 10 how well am i doing this one area like in terms of how I'm eating or exercising or something and then you'll notice everyone wants to know what the magic pill is there's no magic memory pill there's their magic memory processes right if you everyone wants to know the one silver bullet you have to do all of these things because that's what falls within the focal point meaning that the 8020 rule the 20% that gives you 80% of the res-orbs results and the rewards so really fast the 10 keys for unlocking your quick brain number one is good brain food all right good brain food because you are what you eat what you eat matters especially to your gray matter there are certain foods that are really good for your brain and you probably most these foods as your works I know you're very blueberry yeah all like blueberries is like I called brain berries and avocados and good fats and and and all of them so there's 10 of them that I recommend and so they're really they're real they're really excellent they're very neuron protective and such including dark chocolate so dark chocolate is uh it's good what's good for your mood is generally good for your mind but so a good brain diet is number one so just break your cell phone scale zero to ten how good is your diet all right number two is killing ants automatic negative thoughts your self-talk and so what I would recommend people 0 to 10 how does that feel how well are you doing and not only that but you know maybe going on it on a little faster cleanse like like we cleanse the food we eat and things we put in our body but what about the thoughts that we're putting in our out of these 30 days if you know negative thoughts I mean one day or not complaining or something like that bland you know because it's just again you know people people get so addicted to these things like you know complaining and whatever you're rehearsing you're just you're really rewiring your brain to get more of that it's not Law of Attraction there's a law of action that's going on you know that makes it because all behaviors belief driven and so you're wiring your brains really rehearsing those things that's why they say that the fearful person dies a thousand times like a coward dies a thousand times in their mind you know and and non-count like a brave person dies just once because every time you're rehearsing oh I'm scared of public speaking you do it over and over again not only do you get the fear of it every single time because your imagination your mind doesn't know the difference between something vividly imagine and something that's real literally if you were if you would have put on a brain sensing device the same parts our brain that would light up if the dog walked in just you see what parts your brain lights up and if you imagine that's all walking in the same exact part - brain will light up so the mind doesn't know the difference it's the most powerful tool you have your imagination you know our thoughts our things and improve you know activating our imagination so you know don't do it to rehearse your fears and the things that are negative right only have thoughts of things that you want to come and it really happen so the third thing exercise people really we know number four brain nutrients Omega threes DHA is the gingko biloba vitamin B b12 and this is a subject that comes up because you know a lot of people travel they fast food lifestyles and you know but maybe they're lacking a certain supplements and what I would say is you know I'm not a nutritionist I'm not anything that ends on an East but go to a doctor good functional medicine doctor you have a blood test and I say I say the same thing for diet when people say what's the best you know to do food sensitivity tests see what your blood says you know red yellow green you know red stay away from yellow you know sparingly green and see how you flourish on it afterwards right and then test it but same thing with nutrient profile you can see what you're deficient is or if you're low on B vitamins if you're low on DHA then you're gonna have cognitive issues right so supplement fifth thing that you want to optimize your brain is positive peer group we know who you spend time with is who you become because and it's not just a positive thinking you know affirmation quote literally you have mirror neurons and your mirror neurons in your nervous system is when you could watch a sport or watch a movie you could feel what they feel it's what is where you have empathy for other people we're always imitating people right and so who you spend time with this who you become because you're imitating their habits their behaviors their thought patterns and everything so that's why they say you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with right if you're around nine broke people you're gonna be the tenth right like you hear these things all the time but there's a it's not just your biological networks or your neurological networks analyze your social networks right because whether or not you smoke has less to do with your neurological networks and more to do whether or not your friends friends smoke it's gonna have more of an influence six thing for your brain clean environment we know a clean environment is good for your brain at a anecdotal level you know when you clean your desk or you clean your laptop off you know you have clarity of thought right but I don't just mean that I mean clean air clean water because there's a lot of pollutants that's you know that's not good for your cognition right so from there we at number seven sleep this is a big one for so many people sleep is so important for your brain for three reasons number ones where you consolidate short to long-term memory everyone who pulled an all-nighter back in the university that hurt you because you need that sleep number two it's where you clean out the plaque that can lead to brain aging challenges and that that's what aleus research is saying in terms of we need to see dementia and such and then the third reason is because when you dream and here's the thing you're like what does it have to do with anything Jim it's like you don't know how many amazing ideas and invention literature works of art came in dream states like did you know like I mentioned Mary Shelley you know here in London Frankenstein came to her in a dream you know Paul McCartney came up with yesterday in his dream you know like a chemist came up with a periodic table in his dream Elias Howe created the sewing machine in this dream right like what are you dreaming about late at night because when you are working all day and you're learning all day your brain doesn't shut off at night at night it's more active people don't realize that you think it's just not happening it's actually more active and it's coming up with solutions it's integrating stuff in the form of dreams number eight is brain protection meaning that you know like I I I work with a lot of athletes high performer athletes concussions are a big deal yeah right and you know and I've had a number of TBI is you know traumatic brain injuries but not just that you know I did a whole episode on electromagnetic fields like people don't realize that the like our smart devices like you like our brains didn't really have ought to have like these the all this electricity like right by our brains you know and I read recently that 90% of kids sleep with their phones underneath their pillows I mean who knows the effect that's at some federal voice protect your brain wear a helmet and then finally nine and ten ninth key to keeping your brain alive is a new learnings right the neurogenesis in neuro plasticity means neurogenesis you could create new brain cells the day you die science never thought that neuroplasticity is saying you could create new connections the way to improve neurogenesis neuroplasticity two things novelty and nutrition just like when you're an athlete just like training your body you give a novelty or stimulus and then you feed it with nutrition right and so that's how you build your mental muscles to finally number ten stress management stress management meaning people don't realize it because it's invisible but it's like you don't realize how much stress you're under until you're on vacation are you getting a massage you don't realize because it's all there all the times like the fish that they don't see the water because it's there all the time so what are we doing to cope film you know meditation relaxation massage yoga whatever it is gets us dressed  

Friday, July 24, 2020

5 populars Industries in China

China is fast becoming the land of opportunity for many skilled professionals, so, today we wanted to take a look at some of the fastest-growing industries in China. Many industries are growing rapidly in China, but we wanted to highlight these industries, let's get started with number 5. If its green, China wants it! That's right the first industry we are talking about is green technologies. Currently, China is the largest producer of solar energy in the world, hitting over 77 gigawatts of solar power capacity at the end of 2016 and under China's 13th Five-Year Plan, China aims to have 110 gigawatts of solar capacity installed by 2020. Also, China is the biggest producer of wind power, installing 23.3 gigawatts of wind power turbines in 2016 to reach a total capacity of 169 gigawatts. China plans to have 250 gigawatts of wind power capacity by 2020, and 495 gigawatts by 2030. And to top it off, China is now the world's largest electric vehicle market, registering 352,000 new electric vehicles in 2016. Chinas auto market is also the worlds largest, and electric vehicles now represent about 1.2

percent of the total market, which means there is plenty of room to grow. These three green fields are just the tip of the iceberg, China is also investing in green buildings, recyclables, biofuels, vertical farming, and more. Total investment in pollution prevention alone is expected to reach $1.2 to 1.5 trillion USD over the 2016-2020 period, this means green tech will be one of the fastest-growing industries over the next few years. According to the latest report from McKinsey, Chinas healthcare market is projected to grow at an unprecedented compound annual growth rate of about 12%, which is why we have it at number 4 on our list. Healthcare spending in China is expected to nearly triple, reaching $1 trillion by 2020, up from $357 billion in 2011. The government has decided to take major steps towards improving the local healthcare infrastructure, by approving a blueprint called Healthy China 2030, pledging to build a healthy China in the next 15 years. By 2030, the size of the healthcare market is expected to reach $2.3 trillion. This means the demand for highly skilled professionals is exploding. Right now, healthcare service providers and companies working in the healthcare sector are seeing a major increase in demand, which makes it one of the fastest-growing industries in China. This next one on our list might not be reaching the trillions of dollars, but it is growing fast! Number 3 is Drones. According to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the country's civilian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry is expected to rise 40% year on year on average to about USD 9 billion by 2020, and by 2025, the market value could be tripled to around USD 27 billion. 

Popular Chinese drone manufacture DJI is currently leading the charge with consumer drones but has as more people find different uses for drones, we will see incredible growth rates. Look up because this industry is flying fast! China, in recent years, has made it clear it wants to be the global leader in AI Technology, which means number two on our list is the Artificial Intelligence industry. According to a report, policymakers want the AI industry to generate more than $59 billion of output per year by 2025. Key development areas include AI software and hardware, intelligent robotics and vehicles, virtual reality and augmented reality. Right now, China is playing catchup with the rest of the world, which means many companies, government organizations, and universities are working hard to reach this lofty output goal. That makes this one of the fastest-growing industries in China. Tech companies from Baidu to Tencent and from startups to incubators are working on AI, which is causing a major boom in the industry. With a strong government push, these companies will help reach Chinas goal and most likely become global leaders by 2045. Going hand and hand with AI is our final industry: Robotics. The government has recently released the Robotics Industry Development Plan, a five-year plan to rapidly expand the country's industrial robotics sector. By 2020, China wants to be able to manufacture at least 100,000 industrial robots annually. By the end of the next decade, the country wants to be producing 400,000 industrial robots annually. This is a massive undertaking, but according to the International Federation of Robots, China is already home to the biggest share of robots, a global market worth about USD 30 billion. It is currently ranked the No.1

sales market for industrial robots, with the United States coming in at No. 4. The report shows that China will likely represent 40 percent of the total worldwide sales for robots by 2019, an increase from 27 percent in 2015. On top of being the largest market in the world, the country would now like to flip the script and produce in-country more of the industrial robots it needs in a variety of economic sectors. By 2020 the government wants more than 50 percent of the total robotics sales volume to be filled by robots made in China by Chinese companies. That means more than 20% of the total global robotics market will need to be produced in China, making this one of the fastest-growing industries in China. What do you think of Chinas fastest growing industries? What industry would you add to this list? 

Jack ma Story

who wants to bring his country out of the circle of poverty His name is Ma Yun, he was born in 1964 in the city of Hangzhou, where at that time Life in China was still difficult China is still closed for the West Knowledge of the outside world is limited, and poverty is everywhere Ma grew up from a modest family He has one older brother and one younger sister His parents work as traditional musicians and storytellers Ma's family life is very difficult.  They have to work hard every day to stay alive Since childhood, Ma was very interested in learning English Every day, he always takes time to go to hotels in his city to provide free tour guides for tourists, while learning English His relationship with tourists open his insight into the world He came to know many things about western culture Their technological sophistication, their education system and everything that made him aware That at that time, China was far behind the western countries Uniquely, a tourist once gave Ma a new nickname by the name Jack From there, people often called him.

At school, Jack Ma is not a student who is smart enough He even 2 times failed the elementary school exam, 3 times failed the middle school exam, and 2 times failed the university entrance exam, Before finally accepted to study at the Hangzhou Teachers Institute with an English Major Jack Ma also applied a lot of work, but he always got rejected He once applied for a job as a hotel employee but was rejected, because they said his appearance was not attractive He also had a Police entrance test but failed, because they said his physique did not support He once applied for a job at KFC But, from 24 people who applied for that job 23 people were accepted and he was the only person whose application was rejected Fortunately, he managed to get a job as an English teacher at a local university Although the salary is very low, which is around $11 per month His students claimed to be happy with the way Jack Ma teaches, he was so friendly and very understanding how to make students understand what is taught In 1995, Jack Ma visited America as a translator of a trade delegation At those times, a friend introduced him to the internet His friend said "Everything is on the internet, you can search for any information that you want" However, when Jack Ma search for a bottle of beer on the internet, He did not find any beer that originated from China And also, when he tried to search 'China' on the internet, he didn't find any information about his country Jack saw this as a great opportunity He thought if he could use the internet to connect Chinese traders with consumers around the world Then he can build a big business while advancing his country's economy Begins from his ambition, Jack Ma gathered his friends in an apartment In there he talking about his plan to establish an e-commerce company with one goal, 'Helping small businesses to develop' His friends felt interested in Jack Ma's idea and were willing to help him Then, they use that apartment as their first office with a company called 'Alibaba' Without mastering technology or computer science properly, they are determined to establish Alibaba Imagine, from 18 founders of Alibaba, only three people who know a bit about computers Alibaba began with a door to door sales system.  They went to each house and introduced an e-commerce system where every buyer and trader can transact via the internet Alibaba is slowly beginning to have customers They began looking for investors, but more than 30 investors refused At that time, they thought that the internet was just a nonsense Until one day, the biggest investment came when Jack Ma met with Softbank founder, Masayoshi At that time, Masayoshi held a meeting with many internet entrepreneurs
who was able to present a detail business plan But Jack Ma is different He came without presentation and only relied on his story of Alibaba's vision and mission to advance China economy Unexpectedly, Masayoshi was interested in Jack Ma's story He invested 20 million dollars into Alibaba Then they use the funds to expand Starting from increased promotion through brochures, banners, advertisements in newspapers, and making roadshows which was originally only attended by 100 people, then increased to 1000 people, increased to 10.000, increased to 100.000 and continues to grow until Alibaba became known to the Chinese people Alibaba's journey was not always smooth In 2000, there was a phenomenon called 'Internet Bubble' which made many internet companies destroyed Alibaba was forced to lay off many of its employees At that time, many business observers predicted that Alibaba would not last long They also regard Alibaba as a bad business model Because the rumors said that in the first three years Alibaba hasn't made any profit Alibaba, who had been optimistic, slowly began to bow Jack Ma also feel doubts, whether the company was able to survive However, what happens in the company was very unexpected Jack Ma and his friends received many e-mails from customers that contained the 'Thank-you Note' The customers were said, "We cannot afford to pay for Alibaba's services, but Alibaba continues to help our business. If you keep doing good things like this, we can only pray Hopefully someday,
Alibaba will succeed."
This is what makes Alibaba continue to survive and be confident That by helping small businesses, helping young people, and helping many people Alibaba will have a future
For Jack Ma, Alibaba was a '1001 Mistakes'
But, he always believes That no matter how many times we fail, how many times have we fallen, the most important thing is we have experience. Because in truth, experience is the main asset towards true success In 2014, Alibaba had developed into a Chinese e-commerce giant They also have several subsidiaries Starting from Alipay, Ali Express, Taobao and Tmall In the same year, Alibaba set a world record as a company with the largest IPO income in history Because of that, Jack Ma's wealth soared until he became the number 1 richest person in China Starting from a small apartment in Hangzhou City, Alibaba's dream of advancing the Chinese economy came true Alibaba now has more than 600 million customers They also opened tens of thousands of job openings, and has helped millions of small businesses to develop
For Jack Ma, wealth is not the main goal
His goal was simple, help people around him to be better For him, success will be achieved if we always think about others need
Jack Ma once said The difference between successful people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg and most people is because they are always optimistic about the future, they never complain and they always try to solve other people's problems And when we have dreams, no matter we come from the poor families, or we are not smart enough at school As long as we believe we can achieve it Chase that dream Don't be afraid to fail and never give up
Because without failure,
without any mistake,
and without rejection,
there will never be something called 'Alibaba'.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

the best home businesses Idea in 2020 Work from home

Today we'll be talking about the best home businesses.

- With low startup costs.
- You may have been wanting
to start your home-based business for some time. Now with the power of the Internet, it's easier than ever to start one.
- Yeah, in your pajamas.
- So we're gonna be talking about four different categories.
First, writing.
- Ooh, I love writing.
- You could be a freelance writer.

- A poet.
- Editor, blogger, or even self-publish your Kindle book.
- Oh yeah, and I heard you can earn up to 70% of the royalties, you guys.
- Cha-ching.
- Lucrative.
- So Emma, if you were to write a book, do you know what you would write about?
- Ooh, way to put me on the spot. Something that I enjoy, something that I know a lot about. Vegan cooking 'cause then I can incorporate pizza and also I do it at home all the time. So yeah, maybe just vegan cooking. Fast, easy, efficient, fun, and healthy.
- And I like that, and especially the fact that this is something you know about.
All right, so next category, services.

You could be a virtual assistant or a social media manager.
- Ooh, yeah.
If you think about that, that's something a lot of people don't want to do and they know it's important,
so you offer to do it for them and make some money.
- And you're saving people time. One of the most important commodities, I think, we all have, but never have enough of. The virtual assistant, you can schedule people's appointments, you can book things with them like travel. Get all these things done so that they can spend their time being more productive doing other things.
- I spend so much time organizing and reorganizing my calendar that like I feel good about what I'm getting done in the day, but I don't know if, I'm thinking if someone just did that for me and helped me--
- [Sam] You'd be a lot more productive.
- Yeah, a virtual assistant. Yeah, I'd be a lot more productive.
- And the great thing is you can do it from home.
You don't even have to leave your couch or you can do it from wherever you want.
- We could do it right now.
- We could, and speaking of working from anywhere, the next opportunity you could have is the data entry. You can do this at home, coffee shops.
- By the beach. That makes data entry a little more fun.
- Now, it can be something that's routine, mundane.
It's all right. At the same time, you can, don't have to put a lot of effort into it, but you can also do other things at the same time.
Listening to a podcast.
- Catching some rays.
- Exactly, and believe it or not, we have a video on being a digital nomad.
- Oh, that's right.

- Right over here.
- Next, graphic design or even web development. Again, something that you can just do it from home.
If you have a love for graphic design and being on the web, these are areas that you can jump into.
- Also, which falls under services, a couple of my friends do this, they're pet sitters or dog walkers.
I mean, what a fun job to do. I love animals.
- Yes, I have three dogs.
I'm a doggy dad.
- Do you have three dogs?
- Three dogs.
- Do you have a pet sitter or a dog sitter?
- We do. While I'm here making these great videos for you all, someone's watching our pets.
So next, event or wedding planner.
These are very good if you are savvy at getting things together, being creative, taking charge,
and making sure that things happen on time and hopefully under budget.
- Yeah, I mean, for me I'm all about the great party or walking down that aisle one day, but I don't want to plan the whole thing. Throw me a good party, I'll hire you,but I'm just gonna do the falling in love part.
 - And it does take away some of that time, frustration for planning from others along with the budget constraints.

So you can focus on just doing a wedding planning business or you can open it up to all kinds of events.
- Ooh, and another great one in the services, private chef or caterer. I think about that sometimes just when I'm at home looking up meals and my friends will stop by. They're also like remote, and they're like, oh you should do this for bigger. That would stress me out, but for anyone else out there who's great at cooking this is a great service you can offer from your home, if you in fact are skilled in the kitchen.
- And you can have one client that you prepare multiple meals for.
- Oh, that's a good point.
- Or you can have different families that you're serving at different times of the month.
- Ooh, and another great one that my mom's best friend recently started doing is have an Airbnb. She lives alone in this a beautiful Victorian home. It's painted purple. It's got a ton of character. I know, it's--
- My wife's favorite color is purple.
- Oh well, if you're ever in Indiana, go check out Lou Ann's Airbnb, but anyways,  it's a beautiful home and she so kindly opens her doors for an Airbnb and she meets amazing people from all over the world that comes through, surprisingly, Indiana, the crossroads of America. So this is just another great idea and also, now that reminds me, my mom helps out with the Airbnb because she has such as the skill set of cleaning. Like this woman actually likes to clean and enjoys it. So she helps her best the friend with the Airbnb with that skill set of just, hey, I like to clean, so after your guests leave, I'll handle that
- Nice.
The next category, selling.

Now, if you are creative and you can make things with your hands and it's very unique, Etsy could be the place for you and it could give you an opportunity to have an outlet to make that income from home.
- Could you make anything?
- No, I cannot.
- Nothing?
- I'm trying to think what I could do. I could paint you a picture.
- But I can make these videos.
- Yeah, ooh, Sam, here's another one of my favorites.
Online consignment.Oh my gosh, you could go just through your closet or your parents' and find some old gems that you could sell for money. Also, you could go and thrift. You know, find that great leather jacket or that designer shirt or shoes and then put them online. There's a ton of apps to sell used clothing, consignment, high fashion.
- Yeah, Offer Up.
You can go on Facebook Marketplace and even offer your items there as well, and if you are pretty good in the kitchen similar to that private chef and caterer, you can also sell your baked goods online. This is something great to do because a lot of coffee shops, they don't bake their goods.
- Oh, that's a great point. When I worked at a coffee shop, we had a cabinet of donuts to scones to bagels and they all came from other people or businesses, yeah.
- Right, a lot of these businesses use other vendors to supply them with these baked goods, and last category, teaching You can be an online teacher or tutor. It gives you a lot of flexibility and it's definitely in demand. You can be teaching others that don't have English as their first language, you can teach them English.
- True, have you ever taught someone?
- I did.
- What'd you teach?
- Math.
- How was that?
- Hated it.
- Next, you can create online courses.
- Oh, good point.
- Everything that we just talked about.Baking, graphic design, blogging. Whatever you are good at, you can make a video and instruct people on how to do it.
- That's very true, and I love that.I love taking in a lot of information, skills from the privacy of my home on my couch. I want to learn another language that way. I don't want to go out somewhere.
Give me an online course.
I'm a Millennial.
- My wife is a fitness instructor and she's able to do a a lot of different things that she's passionate about, either working in a gym or even having your own
clients on the side.
- Didn't she pick up  client when she was here?
- She did.
- And you guys live in Austin, Texas.
- We're in Kirkland and she picked up. Okay, just checking, thought that happened.
- It gives you a lot of flexibility. You don't have to be local to one area, but you can do it wherever. There are parks that you can work out in. There are people's homes. Like we said before, you
can go and have different classes or personal instruction there.
- I've done some yoga classes that way.
Yeah, so like I decided in 2019, it's the year of the hamstrings. I was like, oh yeah, I want
to work on my hamstrings and I want to focus on it, but I want to just do it from the privacy of my home and not spend a ton on a membership. So I watched online little videos, classes, if you will,on how to do this.
- Next is the music teacher.
- Can you play an instrument?
- No, I cannot.
- Can you sing?
- No, I cannot.
- Okay, carry on.
- So on that same note,get it, carry on, sing? But anyhow, if you know how to instruct people to play an instrument, this is something you can do or if you know how to give voice lessons, help people to sing, like myself, carry a tune, that's also something you can do. You can go to the nonprofits like churches or you can go to schools,teaching elementary You know, kids, a lot of parents love to get their children
involved in those things. looking for someone that can spark that creativity in that young child's life.
- Yeah, that would help my karaoke game.
- Oh yeah.
- Some voice lessons.
- So to get a lot of this started, you can join freelance websites like Upwork, Fiverr, Guru, They'll be a great opportunity because you already have people there looking for services,so you might as well use it to market yourself. So that's a wrap.

Today you just learned the
best home-based business.